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was gay or not, he was now the boyfriend of my best friend!
 Wait! I said suddenly.  What about Min? Web ignored me, just leaned forward and kissed
me on the lips.
Chapter Ten
So Web was kissing me, and it s not like I could not kiss him back. That would have been
rude. Yes, he was seeing my best friend, so on one level this wasn t right. But I d made myself a
vow that I wouldn t let an opportunity like this pass me by. Remember? Scarlett O Hara? Raised
fist? And this was the Fort Knox of golden opportunities. So breaking that kiss wouldn t have
been right either right?
I was tingling all over. I could feel every single nerve ending in my entire body, and each one
was on red alert (some more alerted than others!).
We were still kissing when I felt his arms slip around me, exploring, but also drawing me
close, sucking me in. I d been seduced by a merman or an octopus, and Min or no Min, I was
powerless to escape.
Suddenly, my body was pressing against his, slick and warm and hard, and that s when I
real/y knew we were skinny-dipping. There was absolutely nothing coming between Web and
me now.
And then he ducked under the water again. Only this time, he did more than brush me with
his hand.
* * * * *
Later, the guilt set in. It wasn t that I had done anything unsafe, because I hadn t (and
wouldn t!). Maybe it was a little bit about the fact that I d done what I d done with a guy I barely
knew. I wasn t the kind of person who did stuff like that, was I?
But mostly it was Min. It was that I d done what I d done with a guy who was the boyfriend
of one of my best friends. And as much as I d pretended at the time that I d been powerless, I
wasn t really.
 What is it? Web asked as he lolled in the shallow water where the lake met the beach.
I was sitting upright in the water. It wasn t cold exactly, but I shivered anyway.
I looked over at him.  Min.
 What about her?
 Well, aren t you with her?
 Who told you that?
 She did!
Web shook his head and leaned back in the water, his thing floating up between his legs.
 Nah. We re just friends.
 It s true, he said.  What makes you think we re together?
 Because I saw you! I started to say. Then I realized, Oops! I couldn t tell him that I had
seen them skinny-dipping, because then I would have to admit that I d been spying.
 Saw me what? Web said. I could see the smirk on his lips, even in the dark.
 Together, I finished.  I saw you together.
 Well, sure. Can t friends spend time together?
Could what he was saying be true? They could have gone skinny-dipping as friends,
especially if Web was gay. But if Min knew he was gay, why hadn t she told me?
 So you re gay? I asked.
Web floated in the gentle ripples, splayed out like a cologne model in some glossy magazine.
 That was hot, he said, eyes lasering into me.  You think that was hot?
 I guess, I said, sinking deeper into the water and doing my best to avoid his gaze.
Web sat upright.  Come here.
 What? No, I don t think 
But then the octopus of Lake Serenity was on the move again. And once again, I was
powerless to escape.
* * * * *
The next day, Monday, we started a new counselor rotation. This time, in the morning I had
archery duty with Min. Fortunately, we had an adult instructor, so Min and I didn t have to do
much except make sure the kids didn t nock their bows the wrong way, or shoot each other.
When I first saw Min, I said, really excitedly,  Hey! I know Web had told me that he and
Min weren t together, but I didn t entirely believe it. Plus when we d fooled around, Web hadn t
yet told me about him and Min not being boyfriend and girlfriend. So technically, I d betrayed
one of my best friends whether they were together or not. Anyway, I felt guilty around Min,
which is why I was acting so enthusiastic about seeing her now.
 Oh, hi, she said. She didn t sound particularly enthusiastic about seeing me, which I guess
made sense since she didn t have anything to feel guilty about.
I wanted to tell her what had happened with Web. After all, if they were just friends like he d
said, what difference would it make? But instead, I said,  How d it go on Parent Visitation
 Not bad, she said.  I think it was a little weird for my kids to be reminded of their other
lives. I kind of think most of them want to forget about that.
 Yeah? I said.  I thought the exact same thing.
 Speaking of which, Mimi s mom brought her a Game Boy. The sound is driving me crazy!
We went on like that, with both of us talking about whatever had been going on in each of
our lives. Everything, that is, except Web Bastian.
* * * * *
Then there were my kids. They still hadn t forgiven me for the gift shop incident. Which
meant that unless I figured out some way to reconnect with them, I d be picking burrs out of my
underwear until the end of the session.
That afternoon, in my free time before dinner, I looked around for Web but never did find
him. As I searched, I tried to think of some way to get back into my kids good graces.
I was walking from the lodge to my cabin when I suddenly had the perfect answer.
* * * * *
It was almost eleven o clock when I woke my kids up from their sleep.
 Huh? Blake said, confused.  What s happening?
 Shhh, I said.  Don t talk. Everything s fine. Everyone just get dressed. And don t forget
your flashlights.
If this had been a group of adults, or even a group of teenagers, they would have complained
that I d woken them up in the middle of the night. But not one of my kids complained, and I
knew it was because there is nothing like doing something out of the ordinary to get the attention
of a ten-year-old boy.
Once they were dressed, I led them out into the summer night.
 Where are we going? Julian said, still a little groggy.
 You ll see, I said.  Just follow me. But be very quiet. Keep your flashlights turned off until
we re away from the camp grounds. And if we run into any other counselors, we may have to lie
low for a second, okay?
For the record, I d told the other counselors that I had something planned and not to worry if
anyone found us missing in the middle of the night. But I knew my kids would be more excited if
they thought we were doing something against the rules (for a ten-year-old boy, the only thing [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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