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 Aw. Your ass still too sore, Lukey?
 You know it.
 Mine s not, Paxton declared, her eyes glued to his crotch.
Seth raised an eyebrow.
 Oh, ho. Not something I ever expected to hear from my partner s mouth.
Paxton snorted.  That s because you re too busy hearing it out of your own.
Seth threw back his head and laughed, knowing Luke would never be offended.
 Now I know I ll stay with the surveillance team while you two go work off some calories. His
friend dug the keys from his pocket.
Seth yanked his shirt over his head and addressed Paxton.  Are you sure you don t need to be in on
 Nope. Luke can handle it.
 Good. He grabbed the back of her head and tugged her to him.  I need you, he whispered in her
She paused before answering and Seth stopped breathing. When she looked up at him, he could tell
she d come to a major decision.  You can have me.
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Annmarie McKenna
He tore open the driver s door, pressed Paxton inside, forced her over the console and gear shift to the
other side, then followed her in. He took the keys from Luke s outstretched hand, shoved them in the
ignition and cranked the engine.
Before Seth slammed the door shut he heard Luke mutter something that sounded suspiciously like,
 Lucky bastard.
44 www.samhainpublishing.com
Chapter Five
Paxton jerked off the vest and stowed it at her feet before buckling her seat belt. She had serious
doubts about being able to make it all the way to her home before jumping the man sitting next to her. She
had serious doubts about her sanity also, but she could no longer deny the feelings she had for Seth.
Sometime during his romp she d decided one bad vampire didn t mean the entire race was bad. After all,
she dealt with the scourge of the human race every day. That didn t make all humans bad.
Dillon had been killed in cold blood by a vampire, yes. But he could have just as easily been killed by
a human. She had to accept that fact and move on with her life. Dillon would want her to.
Besides, there was something hideously sexy about the way Seth had gone from virile, naked human
male Luke hadn t been kidding earlier about the nice size of heat Seth was packing to sleek jaguar. If
she hadn t already known of the existence of vampires, something straight out of supposed myths, she
might have thought she was going insane. If there were vampires among them it didn t take much to leap to
the conclusion there might be other things out there that went bump in the night. Like the other shifters he
claimed lived among them.
 If you keep throwing pheromones, we won t make it. The smooth baritone of his voice made her
clit tingle.
 Then we re in complete agreement. Nearest hotel? He d succeeded in turning her into a groupie, for
God s sake. A raving nymphomaniac.
 You aren t a nympho, Princess. And I don t have groupies.
She hummed in response.  There s one way to keep our minds off sex  til we get home.
 How s that?
 I m dying to know about how my dating you makes me a princess.
The steering wheel creaked where he gripped it.  We aren t& dating. He sounded pained to say that.
Paxton s heart sank and a lump formed in her throat, threatening to choke her. A groupie. Just like
she d thought.
 My mistake. They were merely on their way to tangling the sheets into oblivion. They only had sex
going for them. In the cage. He was right, they weren t dating. She d just thought what they d done meant
something more to him than scratching an itch.
 We re sort of& mated.
Annmarie McKenna
 Mated? Her heart leapt this time, shooting north with hope. Mated sounded better than,  we aren t
dating . Sounded a hell of a lot more like married. Long term. Happily ever after.
 Yes. I m sorry I didn t give you the chance to decide. You sort of went against everything I knew
about you and surprised me. You were too hard to resist.
 Right, she murmured.  What, exactly, did you know about me?
 Honestly? I thought you hated me. You did your best to avoid me, yet when you were close your
body responded to me.
She gasped.  I don t hate you. Well, okay, I did hate you. Sort of. Not really you, but what you are.
Because of what happened I don t hate you anymore. She d done her best to avoid him, yes, but only
because she d been afraid of what he was. And then there was the part where she d worried about being a
vampire s one-night stand.
 Trust me, you ll hold my interest. Forever.
 And that mind-reading thing you do is a little weird, so try not to answer my thoughts a whole lot,
 Turn left at the next street.
 I know.
 So this mate thing& 
 I knew you were the only woman for me the first time I met you. I tried as hard as I could to stay [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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