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was planning to call, and maybe come over if it wasn't terribly
late when they got home. David lent Pat some dry clothing
and one of his coats, and Pat walked the three blocks back to
his room.
David was just as happy that Pat had declined his offer. He
was planning to get online, and he didn't want to be
disturbed. He could believe how he felt about this new
woman. He had only seen her the two times, and was really
only with her the once. But he knew in his heart that he loved
her. He knew also, that he needed her. He didn't tell Pat and
by Jonathan Amsbary
the others that he really didn't know her at all, because they
would never understand. But he knew she was the one, he
just knew.
He thought he could tell that she felt the same way too. He
prayed and prayed that he just wasn't projecting his wishful
He logged on and got himself to the Chateau. Checking the
users list he was heartbroken to see that she wasn't there.
He did notice that Nightwinds was.
 Sub-Thrall Bows to those who are Worthy and slips into
the room.
 Sub-Vixen Smiles and huggles her brother Thrall.
 Lord-Virtue Nods to Thrall and smiles.
And on it on it went. The chatters spent an awful lot of
time saying hello and good bye to one other. He settled in
with his coffee as he watched the screen before him.
 Sub-Thrall Moves to the submissive's couch and sits,
watching the room.
 Mistress-Nightwinds Smiles coolly to Thrall and beckons
him to her feet.
Two day ago, David would have been jumping for joy at
this request. But that was then, and this was now. He thought
for a second about what to say. The nice thing about chat was
that there were so many glitches in the system that you could
blame a slow pick-up on "chat lag" or being "frozen". He
thought and thought but finally could only say one thing.
 Sub-Thrall Declines your gracious offer Mistress.
 Mistress-Nightwinds Looks at Thrall with some regret
and then gets up and leaves.
by Jonathan Amsbary
David had seriously pissed her off, and he knew it. But he
had given her many chances and now he had someone he
really loved. To hell with her if she can't take it. Then,
suddenly, the system announced the entrance of Vampire-
 Vampire-Empress Strides in and nods to those Worthy
and smiles to all the tasty subs, especially Thrall.
 Sub-Thrall Smiles at Vampire-Empress and asks if he
can get her a refreshment.
 Vampire-Empress In time, little one, in time. As you
know, very little here can satisfy my thirst. But please come
sit with me if you will.
 Sub-Thrall Runs and kneels at Vampire-Empress's feet.
 Vampire-Empress No, no, little one, in my lap.
 Sub-Thrall Climbs happily into Vampire-Empres s's lap
and smiles warmly to her.
 Vampire-Empress Smiles and bends down to kiss her
perfect little Thrall lightly on the neck, noticing his scars have
healed nicely.
 Sub-Thrall Smiles and shivers.
And so it went for about a half an hour. Vampire-Empress
chatted and flirted with the other Dommes in the room and
was gracious and kind to all the subs. As expected, she would
publicly kiss him or cuddle him from time to time. This was to
show him, and the rest of the room, that he was what was
truly on her mind.
At one point a rude tourist came into the room and made a
crude comment to David. He knew better than to rise to his
own defense. It was typical for the subs to turn to a Domme
by Jonathan Amsbary
for help. And if they were with a Domme, then it was
expected that they remain quiet and let the Domme handle
the encounter.
 Vampire-Empress Looks to the rude tourist, Built-to-
Please, and asks that he be quiet and show some manners.
Thrall is with ME and you have now insulted both of us.
 Built-to-Please Shakes in his boots. So what's it to me if
you don't like the way I talk to your little boy toy, Bitch?
David gasped as he read the words on his screen. As
expected there were many threats and insults hurled at the
tourist. Not many knew Vampire-Empress (or Vampire as the
Domme called her) very well. That was unimportant because
a stranger had called her a bitch, everyone would rise to her
 Vampire-Empress Raises her hand and wishes all to be
David was shocked that all the chatting had stopped. Even
when a regular asked for quiet, or attention, there were some
who just kept chatting. But not a soul typed a word. David [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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