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She d been right, of course.
 J.T., she gasped when his finger eased past her opening and plunged into her
pussy, nearly making her jump out of her own skin.  I m ready for you.
 Are you sure? he asked in a strained voice.
His erection pressed against her hip and Jewel wanted nothing more than to see this
man naked. She wanted to touch every inch of his glorious body with her hands and
mouth. Make love with him all night long.
 Can t you feel how ready I am for you?
 You re slick and warm, he said in a low tone as he continued to stroke her, hitting
that spot deep in her pussy that pulsed with anticipation and need.  I want to be inside
you. Feel that damp heat on my cock. Feel your pussy squeeze me tight.
Excitement shot through her at his words. At the passion that seemed to grip him
and turn his muscles rigid. At the desire that flared in his beautiful ocean-blue eyes.
He never ceased to throw her off-kilter with his direct statements. The sexy ones
were even more shocking because they were delivered with an intimate tone and a look
on his face that told her how much he wanted her.
His mouth returned to hers and he kissed her while still caressing her inner depths,
pushing her right to the edge. Her orgasm was quick yet powerful, like an unexpected
microburst capable of blowing the roof off a shed. She tore her lips from his and cried
out at the eruption within her, the quaking that shook her from head to toe and stole
her breath as she clung to every ounce of pleasure J.T. delivered.
He responded to the intensity of her climax with a primal sound that bordered on a
growl. It turned her on even more.
 Now, she whispered, ready for him like never before.
J.T. withdrew his finger and, for a moment, she regretted her haste because she
instantly missed the intimate contact. But then his hands clasped her waist and he lifted
her up until she was perched on the narrow table positioned along the backside of the
sofa. She knew she was in for more pleasure than he d initially promised with his
foreplay. A hand swept across the top of the table, pushing aside more magazines. The
telephone clamored to the floor, the dial tone only momentarily noticeable before J.T. s
mouth was on hers again and she knew of nothing but him.
He was impatient with her clothing, but no more than she was with his. Jewel
tugged at his shirt, peeling it off his magnificent body and tossing it Lord only knew
where. Her hands roamed his body, touching his chest, abdomen and back.
He stood between her parted legs, his hands slipping behind the loose material of
the pareo and easing up her outer thighs to her hips. Hooking his fingers in her thong
swimsuit bottoms, he waited for her to lift up a bit so he could peel them off. Then he
palmed her calves and wrapped her legs around his waist. Her fingers immediately
went to work on the button fly of his Levi s.
J.T. s hands closed around hers.  Wait, he said in a tight voice.  Not yet.
Jewel s mind reeled. She didn t think she could wait. She d waited too damn long as
it was.
He pushed aside the thin material of her pareo before easing away from her. He
bent down and kissed the sensitive skin of her inner thigh. Jewel gasped. His tongue
stroked the tender flesh, moving higher. She knew his destination, knew his intentions.
And knowing took her to places she d never been before.
Her fingers curled around the beveled edge of the sofa table as J.T. s mouth reached
her lips. And stroked them oh so slowly with his tongue. She let out a small cry as her
body bucked in response to him. More of those incredibly delicious sensations she
hadn t known existed until now rocketed through her.
His hands slipped beneath her to cup her cheeks. He held her in place as his tongue
slid over her swollen flesh, licking and sucking until Jewel panted loudly and teetered
Ava McKnight
on the edge of another explosive orgasm. Her legs were draped over J.T. s shoulders
and her heels dug into his back, holding him to her. She pressed herself against his
mouth, gasped when his teeth grazed her clit.
 J.T. His name fell from her lips on a lustful sigh. She couldn t stop the emotions
welling inside her or the intense sensations gripping her body. She let the moment
consume her. The first ripple of excitement danced through her, making her shudder. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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