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 We could put her in a safehouse.
 No we can t.
 He found out who she is, where she lives. He s getting the information from somewhere.
Danny bristled, instantly defensive.  Now wait a damn minute, T. J., there is no leak on my
team, and if you are implying that there is, we are going to have a problem.
 I wasn t implying there was. Just that he knows how to get at the information, T. J. retorted.
 Okay, safehouse is out. What do you suggest?
 How about a hotel with guards? T. J. posed the question.
They both shook their heads in denial to that one. There were too many variables and no way to
cover all the bases for her protection. Then Danny came with one last idea, but T. J. balked at it
even though he knew that it was probably the best option.
 How about you take her home with you? he asked
Kelly, who was sitting quietly and barely listening to the exchange, popped up immediately to
protest the idea, but T. J. beat her to it.
 No way, Danny. She can t come home with me. It s my house for goodness sake, and I like my
 I don t want to go to his house. Can t I just go with the hotel idea? Kelly piped in.
 No, it won t work, and, T. J., you know it s the best idea. Your house is secluded, hardly anyone
knows you live out there, you have an alarm system, you know the area, and we can keep a patrol car
out there.
He knew Danny was right but made a last ditch effort to find another solution.  Can t we think
of something else?
 Well, geez, I don t want to intrude on his fortress of solitude, Kelly said sarcastically.  I ll just
stay here and die quietly so as not to disturb him. That comment got her a sharp look from T. J.
 It s the best we got. You got any better ideas? T. J. shook his head no and sighed heavily. He
gave in to the idea with silent disapproval. He didn t have to like it, did he?
 Get some stuff together. We re going to get you out of here, T. J. said impatiently.
 Well, someone has to tell Abby when she comes home. She went away for the weekend, and
she ll worry. And the leasing office will need to know what happened so they can fix the door, my
job I have to go to work and explain to the ladies.
 You work?
 Why, Taggert, does it look like I have a money tree growing in a pot of soil out there? Of
course I work, she snapped.
 Listen you  T. J. began, his temper starting to simmer.
 Who are you calling you? I have a bloody name, Taggert! She spat his name out like it was a
bad-tasting medicine.
 Okay, okay, Danny jumped in.  We ll take care of everything one at a time. I ll go up to the
office and fill them in a little. I ll tell them you had a break-in and you will need your door fixed and
bolted. Plus give the keys to your friend upstairs until you come back from extended vacation. Is
your rent paid up?
She nodded.  Until the end of the year, I like to keep ahead.
Danny went on.  Good. You can call your friend when she comes home. Don t use your cell
phone, use T. J. s home line. Go call your boss and tell them you had a family emergency and you
need a couple of weeks off, and then get packed to leave.
She nodded again, placed her hand on Danny s shoulder, and simply said a thank you as she
passed him to do as she was told, her eyes shooting daggers at T. J. as she did.
An hour later, she was ready. He grumbled to himself about her luggage so far, three big
suitcases, one of which felt like it weighed a ton, and two smaller bags. He and Danny had already
coordinated their plan. There would be a patrol car outside his place, and it would change every
twelve hours. The officers would come to his door and let him know the change had been made.
Danny left with a handshake and a call of good luck. He would also be going up to T. J. s house
regularly to keep an eye on things. While they searched for a killer, he would be her protector. She
got into the tall truck as gracefully as possible in heels and jeans and sat there looking out the
window silently as he drove.
 So what s in all those heavy bags, carting bricks? he asked jokingly, trying to bring her out of
her silence.
 Listen, I know you don t want me at your house, and you are being forced to, so you don t
have to make conversation. I ll stay out of your way, she snapped.
He sighed, took her hand from her lap, and held it.  It s going to be okay, Kelly. I promise.
With her gaze still focused out the window, she said nothing in return, but her fingers twined with
his as he drove.
Chapter Five
The drive to Lake Norman was about an hour, and every mile farther from the troubles in
Charlotte the tightness in Kelly s chest lessened. She was unhappy about leaving her home and her
need for sanctuary, but she felt safer with Taggert and, even though she didn t want to admit it, a
little excited to be in his home and close to him.
 We re coming up to the house. Her eyes widened as he made a turn into the driveway that led
up to a wonderfully designed house. The house, done in a cabin style but so much more, was
inviting, with its rich dark colored wood and the wraparound veranda with the beautifully crafted
rocking chairs that called to one to sit and relax. The bottom floor was all windows, giving a
sophistication to the cabin feel, and the landscaped lawn and flowers, and the hanging plants all over
the house. Kelly fell in love with it instantly.
 You live here? she asked with a surprised voice.
His blue eyes sparkling with humor, he raised an eyebrow at her.  You were expecting a one
room shack with an outhouse?
 Well, no, she began.  But definitely this is beautiful. Did you design it yourself?
 My thought, my cousin s creation.
 I think it s spectacular.
She saw the pleased grin on his face.  Wait until you see the inside. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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