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 Do you want a big wedding or a small one?
She used a puckish smile.  Who am I marrying?
He rolled toward her, drawing her into his arms.  How about
marrying me?
She shrugged as best she could.  I thought you d never ask.
196 Debora Ryan
Leah Dannaker raced through the lobby, sliding into the elevator
at the last minute. She flashed a smile of thanks at the elderly lady
who held the door for her.
 You have guests, Mrs. Dannaker, she said.  I ve never met Mr.
Dannaker s parents before.
Leah smiled nervously. Mr. Dannaker had grudgingly shown up at
their wedding, but not the reception. It had been a small affair, taking
place a week after Leah s acquittal. Will had reimbursed his father s
firm for the forty thousand Leah had taken, but he refused to speak to
his father until Tom apologized to Leah. A year and a half later, it
hadn t happened. No matter how much Leah insisted that she didn t
require an apology, Will refused to bend.
He didn t know she had invited his parents for dinner. He had no
idea they were in New York, just as he had no idea she d invited
Erika s family, his brother Tom, Anne, and Cecelia to dinner. He
wouldn t be surprised to find Cece there. After all, he had purchased a
brownstone for her right around the corner from the advertising firm
where both she and Leah worked. Cecelia was a regular guest. He had
even remodeled parts of their apartment so that when Cece needed to
use her wheelchair, there were no barriers.
Leah rushed into her apartment, hoping to head off World War III
before her husband ruined the surprise she had planned for his
birthday. She found Will and Mr. Dannaker deep in conversation, not
arguing. Anne, Cece, and Tommy held Zorah s attention.
Crimes of the Heart 197
Will put his arm around her and kissed her soundly when she
entered the spacious living room. Before he had a chance to comment,
the bell rang, announcing Erika, Gavin, Jaden, and Quinn.
 Happy Birthday, darling, Leah said.
 I didn t need a party, sweetheart. I only need you. Will s kiss
was filled with longing and a promise.
 I thought this would be a good night to share our news.
 Our news? He put a hand over her stomach, a question in his
eyes. They had been trying for nearly six months.
Her smile grew at the hopeful look in his eyes. She nodded and he
crushed her carefully in his arms, smothering her with kisses.  I love
you so much, Leah. You can t imagine how happy I am.
 I think I have a pretty good idea.
Debbie spends her days teaching middle school students and her
nights being run ragged by her children. She fell in love with love as a
teen, and now she writes romances as a form of relaxation. She loves
hearing from readers, so feel free to stop by her website, enjoy a free
read or two, and leave a note.
Also by Debora Ryan
Cartescu Vampires 1: Tomorrow Cries
Available at
www.BookStrand.com [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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