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Unperturbed, he went on,  You re going to get the beating we both deserve, Anje. The day we found
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you, you stood there with fire in your eyes and defied me. I made myself a promise then. Guess what it
was? His breath washed hot over her ear and she squeezed her eyes shut.
 No? He chuckled darkly.  I swore I d smack your gorgeous ass  til it was as pink as your pussy. But
I m a generous soul. No suffering without reward. He flexed his thumb, hitting a sweet spot that made
her swallow hard.
 Brin? said Trey.  You promised me.
Anje tried to lift her head, but the pressure on her shoulders meant that all she achieved was an eyeful of
stiff cock, bobbing hopefully out of a nest of glossy reddish curls. The perspective sent her cross-eyed,
but gods, it was tempting! Her nose was full of the musky scent of aroused male.
She felt the shaman s thighs shift beneath her. Finally, his deep voice said slowly,  I remember. No more
than she can take. Trust me, I ll know.
They must be staring at each other over her prone body. The air crackled with tension. Mother, how she
wished she could see their faces!
Trey said,  And what about me?
 I know how much you can take too. It was a velvet rumble and Trey sucked in a sharp, startled
breath. His fist appeared in her vision, gripping his cock so hard it surely must hurt.
 Brin, I 
The shaman cut him off.  Don t Just don t. She felt the muscles of his belly move against her with the
force of his sigh.  Step through her arms and get her hands behind you. That s it. Anje, now s as good a
time as any to learn the right way to suck a cock. Open your mouth.
 Bastard! No!
His hand cracked across her ass. She gasped and Trey slid the head of his cock between her lips. His
taste was exactly as she remembered. Hot, salty. Exciting. He stroked her hair, coaxing.  A little more,
sweetheart. Just a little.
Brin pressed with his thumb and squeezed his fingers together, compressing the hood of her clit. His
timing was uncanny. Anje jolted, moaning, and a good half of Trey slid into her mouth. He sighed with
pleasure.  That s more like it.
It was the oddest sensation, feeling his thickness against her palate. His skin was hot and ridged with
veins. When she pressed her tongue against his length, he shivered and his shaft twitched.
Now Brin was stroking her tender rear and rocking his thumb deep in her sheath. Anje felt faint with
pleasure and pain. She drew on Trey s flesh and he grunted.
92 Gift of the Goddess
The shaman s deep voice said,  Remember how you used your hands on him, Anje? Now do that with
your mouth.
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He smacked her, right on the curve where her ass cheek met her thigh. Tears sprang to her eyes.  If you
make him offer, scout, you re to swallow every drop. Understand?
Another blow, fair on the meat of her buttock, but lighter.  Understand?
Frantically, she nodded her head and Trey yelped with alarm. Brin laughed aloud, full-throated.
She heard his hand swish through the air an instant before the stinging impact on her rear.
He spaced the blows carefully, interspersing them with the nerve-tingling pressure of his thumb in her
sex, driving her insane with the juxtaposition of pleasure and pain. There was enough play in her bonds
for her to dig her fingers into the back of Trey s thighs and hang on. The heat in her ass spread to her sex
and washed back and forth in an escalating tide of sensation.
Trey kept up a muttered litany of praise, his hands moving in her hair, and she sucked his iron-hard
length as deeply as she was able. Remembering the blood-pink beauty of his cock head cradled in her
fingers as they rocked to the stride of the vran, she dragged the flat of her tongue over it in a spiral dance
that reduced him to incoherence.
The slaps grew lighter, coming at longer intervals, just enough to keep her simmering. Brin pressed his
fingers and thumb together in a firm pincer movement, massaging her clit from inside and out. Anje
groaned and swallowed another inch of cock flesh. Unconsciously, she spread her legs and arched her
back, pushing back into the pleasure. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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