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“Taste yourself on me,” he murmured against her lips. “Sweet. So sweet.”
He pushed his tongue inside her mouth and carried the slickness of her juices with it.
Dea felt another burst of lust as she sucked on his tongue. Kyle cradled her head in his
hands, taking the kiss deeper and deeper until he finally sat back and let her breath.
“My Dea.” The sensual heat burned even brighter in his greenish-gold eyes. “After
tonight, you will most definitely be mine.”
Desiree Holt
She wanted to tell him yes, she would, but she couldn’t bring herself to do so until the
final act of mating. Both as human and as cat. But gods, what would she do if he
disappointed her?
No. Don’t think of that. All the signs are there. Even the connection to Zio Rigo.
Kyle removed the handcuffs, opened the nightstand drawer, dropped them inside and
removed a small bottle. Uncapping it, he poured a small quantity of what looked like oil into
the well of his palm. He rubbed his hands together, then massaged each of Dea ’s wrists with
a fragrant mixture.
“Don’t want to damage that delicate skin.” He gave her what she’d come to call his
panther smile.
“Thank you.”
“Don’t move,” he told her, levering himself off the bed.
Dea felt limp and buzzed at the same time. A series of shattering orgasms still had not
satisfied the lust burning inside her. Again, she imagined how Kyle’s cock would feel inside
her, and her body stirred in response.
She heard the sounds of water running, then Kyle was back again. He stretched out
beside her and pulled her against him, running a hand lightly over her arm, down her hip to
her thigh.
“When I fuck you completely,” he said, his voice solemn, “you will know then who
your mate is. Don’t doubt me, Dea. We are fated.”
They lay facing each other, his heated cock thick and pulsing against her body as he
continued to caress her with his long fingers.
“And when will that be?” she asked, wondering if they would ever get to it. She had
never wanted a man inside her as badly as she wanted this one.
“Soon, my little kitten. Sheath your claws for me. You will need them at the right
moment.” He sat up and smacked his forehead. “I’m a terrible lover. No wine. How can I
carry on a proper seduction and mating with no wine?”
Dea laughed. “Hurry. I’m running out of patience. For everything.”
Kyle padded out of the room completely naked to get the wine and glasses. Dea licked
her lips at the sight of his tight-muscled ass and the graceful movement of his body. But he’d
been gone only a few minutes when she heard a loud pounding on the front door and the
insistent ringing of the doorbell.
Desiree Holt
Dea swung her legs over the side of the bed and hurried to the bedroom door. She
could see down the hallway and downstairs to the foyer. Kyle had grabbed a pair of shorts
from somewhere before striding to the door and opening it.
Dea sucked in her breath when she saw Dane standing on the front porch outlined
against the moon, a fierce look on his face, hands fisted at his sides.
“What the fuck do you want?” Kyle’s voice carried all the way up the stairs.
“I want Dea.” Dane tried to take a step forward, but Kyle blocked his way. “And I want
her right now.”
Torn between fear and anger, Dea yanked the top sheet from the bed, wound it around
herself sarong style and slowly descended the staircase. When Dane looked up and saw her,
she returned his look with a glare.
“Dea.” Kyle knew she was there without even turning. “Go back upstairs. I’ll get rid of
this jackass. Go back to the bedroom.”
“Tell me you haven’t fucked her yet,” Dane said angrily. “If you did, I’ll have to kill
you.” [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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