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Behind The Game
ladies on either side of him. Their small hands looked
so fragile in the large man s palms.
 I know. Take care of them, okay? She glanced
at one of her daughters and then the other before she
looked back over her shoulder as if she wanted
someone, anyone to see her. She stooped down then
and kissed her little girls on their rosy cheeks.
 Mommy is going to go away for a couple of days but
when I come back, we ll have lots and lots of fun,
The cute darlings looked up at their mother and
nodded. Their golden locks swirled down their back.
They were dressed in plaid casual shorts and sandals,
matching of course, and each had a beautiful bow to
accent tousled ribbons.
 Take care of yourself. Marcel leaned in to kiss
her and she turned her cheek.
 No one is here to take snapshots so let s give it a
rest. She glared at him only for an additional second
before she leaned down and embraced her daughters
one last time.  I d better go.
 Yes, you should. See you Friday. His dark
hooded eyes moved over her.  Maybe the time away
will do you some good. When you get back, we can
start nailing down our final wedding plans.
 Friday. She repeated once and then backed
A few moments later, she boarded the plane and
sank into her window seat. In the distance she saw
Fernandez and her two children standing at a large
bay window waving at the plane.
I ve lost my ever-lovin mind to let him watch my
girls. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes.
She reminded herself one last time. She trusted
Marcel with her children. The girls loved him. He was
the only father figure they d ever known and he d
helped her raise them. Only, now with marriage plans
pending, she felt so indifferent. He was forcing her
into a marriage she didn t want and in some ways, he
Destiny Blaine
used her girls to achieve what he wanted most. She
made it easy for him.
If Marcel thought for one second that he could
draw Tanner out with the threat of wedding bells,
then he was dumber than he looked. She shifted her
shoulders and back against the upright position of her
seat. Tanner didn t show up for the birth of his
children, and he sure wouldn t chase her down the
aisle to stop a marriage, would he?
Behind The Game
Chapter Two
 Either you re bound and determined to piss me
off or you have totally lost your fucking mind.
Tanner flopped down in the seat next to her. He had
on a disguise and the best way to describe him
obvious. His large frame looked pretty much the same
but his phony mustache and creepy glasses just stood
out as fake and unnatural. She imagined he put those
on just for her.
Ally didn t act impressed or surprised.  I guess
shopping for wedding dresses proved a little much,
huh? Her head rolled over to the side and the new
angle allowed her to look at him dead on but she
didn t move her head off of the rest supporting her
Tanner s lower chin quivered some as he
outwardly resisted a smile. He looked like he wanted
to laugh one minute or battle out his anger the next.
And damn it all, he still looked good enough to eat.
Three years did a lot to whet a woman s appetite and
her hunger for him grew with each passing day. She
hated him for it truly she did.
His six-foot-three frame didn t do anything but
call out to her from the moment he stepped on the
plane. Yes, she knew the second he boarded because
she heard the stewardess perk right up. Even in his
silly disguise, the man commanded attention. Even
under his stupid wig with curly bleach-blond hair, he
added a few electrical charges to her nerve endings.
Evidently, his smile did the same for the stewardess
on the prowl for a rich husband. Damn him, no
double-damn him. Even now, he projected
confidence, wealth, and most definitely, sex appeal.
He took a minute, only one, to get situated. He
never bothered to look behind him or to the side. He
most likely had the flight checked out thoroughly
Destiny Blaine
before he made his reservation. He probably felt
fairly confident that the only threat of a Federal
Agent happened to be seated to his left.
When he turned to face her, he took his glasses
off but he didn t bother with the wig.  You look good
enough to screw right here. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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