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couple (Mary and Joseph), whom he rewards by giving them a son, Issa (which is the Qu anic
name for Jesus). All is well until the boy turns thirteen and the parents arrange a marriage for
him. Issa "... left the parental house in secret, departed from Jerusalem, and with the merchants
set out towards Sind, with the object of perfecting himself in the divine word and of studying the
laws of the great Buddhas. [IV. 12- 13]
At fourteen, he encountered the "erring worshippers of Jaine" a reference to Jainism. Then he
spent six years studying the Vedas and learned the art of exorcism and intercessory prayer. Issa
rebuked Brahmin priests for upholding the caste system. Issa also would violate their customs by
giving teachings to the lower castes. He is seen rejecting the authority of the Vedas and Puranas,
denying the Trimurti and the incarnation of Brahma as Vishnu, Shiva, and other gods. It is written
that Issa belittled idolatry and barely escaped India with his life. In Nepal, he grew proficient in
Pali and spent six years studying Buddhist sutras. He condemned human and animal sacrifices,
sun-worship, the dualism of good and evil, and the Zoroastrian priesthood. The Zoroastrian
priests seized him and abandoned him to the wilderness to be devoured by wild beasts but he
escapes anyway.
Jesus the Christ
Cayce made a distinction between Jesus and "the Christ." He said that "Christhood" is the goal
which every human should strive for. Jesus was simply the first evolved human to attain it. Cayce
referred to Jesus as our "elder brother" and "the pattern" for our own spiritual growth. The Bible
states that Christ fulfilled the law and, according to Cayce, so can we. That is the entire purpose
of Jesus' teaching. Cayce wrote:
"The law of God made manifest [that] He becomes the law by manifesting same
before man; and thus - as man, even as you becomes one with the Father" (1158-
Because of Jesus' triumph over "flesh and temptation", Jesus "became the first of those that
overcame death in the body, enabling Him to so illuminate, to so revivify that body as to take it up
again, even when those fluids of the body had been drained away by the nail holes in His hands
and by the spear piercing His side." (1152-1)
In essence, Cayce described the Christ soul as the impelling force and core of truth behind all
religions that teach that "God is One."
"I and my Father are one. Then they took up stones again to stone him. Jesus answered them,
Many good works have I shown you from my Father; for which of these do you stone me? They
answered him, saying, For a good work we stone you not; but for blasphemy; and because that
you, being a man, make yourself God. Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your law: I said
'you are gods?" - John 10:30-34, Jesus quoting Psalm 82:6 to defend his teaching that God
dwells within all human beings.
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