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Now somebody needed to just sign off on this damn Cinderella cake so they could get the hell out
of there.
 IS later now? Ryder murmured to Suzanne after another thirty minutes. Joyce had run to answer the
phone and Nikki and Jonas were making out on the other side of the table, so they were alone.
 No. Damn it.  In fact, you and Jonas can leave if you want after he gets done cramming his tongue
down Nikki s throat. We re just about done here now that we ve ironed out having twelve mini-cakes
of Nikki in a Cinderella gown for each table, but then the bride and I are on to the florist. Where she
arguably might pass out from lack of sleep, but maybe she d land on a bed of roses. No one could say
she didn t think positively.
 No private cake tasting? Ryder looked crushed, which made her happy.
 Not unless you want it at about two A.M., because that s probably when I can break away. I m
sorry, I was thinking with my girl bits instead of my brain.
 You should do that more often, Ryder told her.
Suzanne laughed.  I m sure you would like that, but my bank account wouldn t.
 Alright, I understand, but make sure you get some sleep at some point, okay? You re going to get
sick if you don t slow down.
Her first instinct was to bristle and tell him she didn t have a choice, but she decided to just take it
the way Ryder meant it, as concern, not a criticism.  It should ease up after this weekend. Nikki is
going to Champions Week with Jonas so we need to have all decisions made by Tuesday. Maybe next
Saturday I ll even get to sleep in.
 No appointments next Saturday?
Ryder s arm was on the back of the metal chair she was sitting on. He leaned closer, his aftershave
scent drifting up her nostrils.  Hey, come to Vegas with me next weekend then.
 What? Suzanne sat straighter, her palms instantly going damp with sweat.  For the awards
ceremony? Are you crazy?
 Why not? He gave her a charming smile.  We ll have a great time. Lots of wine, food, shopping .
. . sex. Sex again. And more sex. What could be better?
 That sounds an awful lot like what married people do. What we did when we were married. She
had to admit, it held a certain appeal, but it would more than muddy the waters, it would run them
 And we always had fun.
That he could sit there and look so endearingly confident that they wouldn t rip each other s throats
out with mini-bar tools was damn cute. Enough that she actually entertained the idea for a split second
before squashing it.
 Do you know what kind of attention we d get if we showed up together? Tongues would be
wagging for weeks.
Ryder wiggled his own tongue, making her laugh.  Let them wag. I don t give a shit what anyone
 You should, you dumb ass. You have an image to uphold. He wasn t going to sway her, he just
wasn t. This was a big, bad, suck-ass idea.
Of course, she d made a number of those lately, and she was actually kind of enjoying them.
 How does this damage my image? It s not like I m walking in with a gaggle of hookers, you re my
 A gaggle of hookers? How many is that exactly? And if you walk in with your ex-wife, someone
might start poking and figure out that the ex part is slightly exaggerated. Suzanne glanced over at
Nikki and Jonas, but they weren t listening. They were whispering to each other, noses touching. What
was their obsession with nose rubbing? It made Suzanne want to get really drunk so she d pass out
and not have to see that anymore.
Ryder just waved his hand.  No they won t.
 Hey, Suzy Sunshine, you re wrong. The media loves this kind of thing. Look, I appreciate the
offer, and I m tempted, really tempted to spend a weekend naked in Las Vegas with you, but it ain t
going to happen, Jefferson.
 I think you should go, Imogen told Suzanne, sucking down her margarita like it was water.
Suzanne eyeballed her friend.  Maybe you ought to slow down there, Shakespeare, because that
tequila is clearly going to your head, given that you re talking crazy.
 I agree with her, Tammy said from across the table, relaxing back in her seat, her lips stained
from the melon margarita she was sipping.
 You all have lost your minds, Suzanne said in disgust, pushing her own drink away from her.
 Yuck, this tastes like shit. And why would it even remotely be a good idea for me to go to Vegas
with Ryder for Champions Week?
 Because clearly the two of you have unfinished business.
 I don t think a weekend at some swanky hotel is going to finish it! Were they nuts? Suzanne [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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