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bottom of that pit. Several wooden spikes, sharpened into flesh-piercing
spears. That was how Anghel would get to the Underworld.
Silence encased the courtyard. Opening his eyes, Sorin raised his
head and met Rica s gaze. The Overlord was staring at him with a look of
amusement on his pinched face. For several seconds, as their eyes met,
the whole world disappeared. It was just the two of them, standing toe to
toe in combat.
Rica knew he had won the round. He had successfully driven Sorin
and Alexandreina apart, killed a revered leader in the Roma community
and made Sorin tip his hand. There was now no question where Sorin s
feelings lay. He could no longer deny his affinity to the Roma plight. And
that was a dangerous thing to reveal, especially at a time of war.
Now, it was Sorin s turn to fall back and plan. His turn to strategize a
way to bring Rica down, to end his tyrannical rule. Because no matter
what, he would. For Anghel, for the Roma people and especially for
118 Vivi Anna
Rica may have thought he got the better of Sorin but in fact, he
helped Sorin to decide just what side of the war he was fighting for.
There was no longer question in Sorin s mind where his loyalties lay.
The spell was broken and, with a nod, Rica turned and stepped back
up onto the dais.
Sorin took a step back and shook his head clear. The priestess had
already moved away from him and was walking back toward the keep s
doors. He wondered why she had stopped him, but the look in her eyes
told him more than he thought possible. Maybe the situation was not as
hopeless as it seemed.
Then all his reasoning left him as he watched two guards drag
Alexandreina across the dais and back toward the keep. She made no
effort to stop them. In fact, she looked like a lifeless rag doll.
Right then, he realized that he loved her. He d never loved anyone
before. Not even his own parents. This Roma woman brought out his real
emotions. True, honest emotions that he had no idea he could feel.
However, he felt them, intensely. He would do anything for her, and he
had a hope that she would hang on. That when the time came she could
trust him. He needed that trust more than anything, if he was going to
save both of their lives.
Of the Moon 119
Chapter Fifteen
 You must eat something, my lady.
Too weary to push the bowl of hot stew away, Alexandreina resigned
just to shake her head. She was numb. She had no interest in anything
around her. For the past twenty-four hours she hadn t wanted to do
anything but sleep. Maybe then, the pain would recede. Maybe then, she
could stop the voices in her head. The ones that continually told her it
was her fault Anghel had died.
Nicoletta sighed and ran a hand over Alexandreina s head.  Don t let
this destroy you. Can t you see that is what the Overlord wants?
 I m already dead. There s nothing more he can do to me, she
Picking up the spoon in the stew bowl, Nicoletta shoveled some onto
the tip and brought it to Alexandreina s mouth.  Eat.
She shook her head.
Nicoletta pushed it against her lips.  Eat.
Alexandreina raised her hand and knocked the spoon away. It slid on
the stone floor dumping its contents.  I don t want to eat. She pushed
out of her chair and rushed to the window, throwing herself against the
wall.  I don t want to do anything. Just leave me be. Turning her head,
she glanced over her shoulder at her maid.  Can t you see how I suffer?
Nicoletta picked the spoon up off the floor and set it on the tray with
a loud clink.  Yes, I see, quite clearly. Anghel would be ashamed of you.
Alexandreina wheeled around and pointed her finger at Nicoletta.
 Don t say his name! And don t you ever speak to me of shame.
120 Vivi Anna
Dropping her shaking hand, she glared at her maid.  Get out. I wish to
be left alone.
Nicoletta gathered the tray and walked toward the door. Before she
got there, she turned back around.  You may be alone in this room,
Alexandreina, but remember you are not alone in this fight. We can t win
if you have already given up. Your mother and father didn t suffer as they
did so you could give up. It is your destiny to fight. She gave a brief
curtsy, then left, shutting the door behind her.
The moment she heard the loud click of the door, Alexandreina
turned back to the open window and leaned against the sill. Leaning her
head out, she reveled in the cool night air. Closing her eyes, she tried to
quiet her mind as the fresh breeze blew over her face. It didn t work. She
still heard the voices of guilt in her head.
She pushed away from the window and wandered back to her bed.
Lying down, she gathered a pillow to her body, wrapping herself around
it. The semi-solidness next to her brought her little relief. It just
reminded her of what was missing, another reason her heart ached so
As her thoughts swirled toward him, she squeezed her eyes shut. The
pain of knowing he had been the one to choose Anghel sliced her into
ribbons. Even though she knew Rica had manipulated the situation and
forced it upon him, the agony of it still would not abate. He had sent her
dear friend and guardian to his death. The same death that claimed her
Now she was completely and utterly alone. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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