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Denise sucked in Randa's lobe briefly before saying, "It isn't obvious?" She made a point of pulling Randa back against herself harder so the blonde was
left little doubt as to what DJ was doing.
"God!" Randa gasped. One hand reached up to grasp her neglected breast as the other fought to hold the back of DJ's head. Randa pulled Denise
closer and joined their lips together for a short breathless kiss before saying, "I wish I could see."
"Yeah? You like watching& hmm?" Denise looked over Randa's shoulder, seeing the blonde caress her own breast. She smiled then closed her eyes as
the musky scent of Randa's desire embraced her senses.
Randa gasped as DJ's thumb teased the source of her desire in circular movements. "I like watching you," she said, moving herself against DJ.
"Next time," Denise replied. She bit her bottom lip roughly as she felt herself rapidly approaching the edge. Quickly she sped up her movements inside
Randa, wanting them to cross over together. The nurse groaned, one hand clutching DJ's arm. Her movements increased frantically and Denise felt
Randa tighten around her fingers.
Feeling her desire reach its pinnacle, Denise whimpered in release. Randa's thighs tightened around her wrist, her own orgasm crashing through her
body. The blonde called out her lover's name, their bodies trembling violently against one another.
As their feelings gradually subsided, Denise opened her eyes and looked down over Randa's sweat glistened chest. Randa's thighs were still holding her
hand in a tight grip. Her breasts rose and fell with laboured breath. Wanting to gain her lover's attention, Denise gently moved the fingers still deep within
the blonde. Randa groaned and her body twitched as she loosened her thigh's hold and Denise gently pulled her hand away from Randa's body.
"Wake me like that every morning from now on!" Randa chuckled and fell onto her side, pulling Denise with her. She then rolled onto her back and looked
up at DJ who was lying beside her. "Feel better?"
Denise nodded. "Yep& you?"
Randa looked down to see Denise's hand still tucked within her jeans. She pulled at the hand, guiding it out of her clothing and up towards her lips.
"Couldn't be better," she replied, slipping DJ's fingers into her mouth.
Denise sighed and rolled on top of Randa. "God, you know what that does to me!"
Randa wiggled her eyebrows and slipped the fingers from her mouth. "I know. I'm hoping it's already 'next time' and I'll get that show you promised."
"Well you know what I mean."
"Sure!" Denise moved to a sitting position. "Unfortunately we've got to get moving. I have a list of chores to get done. I have to ring Carl and let him know I
will be staying in England longer. He is going on at me about getting an agent now that I have revealed myself. I suppose he has a point. I can't rely on him
to deal with all business matters now. Anyway we have to get all of this done before Di arrives and you still have to get dressed."
Randa looked to her left at the radio alarm clock. "Denise we have plenty of time... almost two hours."
"Exactly!" DJ leaned forward and kissed Randa quickly before sliding to the bottom and off the bed - pulling Randa with her. The blonde slid towards DJ.
"Ugh... not only am I still tired but you're going to give me friction burns at this rate." Her feet landed upon the floor, her body still reclined over the surface
of the bed.
"Friction burns!!" Denise grinned. "Anyway, are you complaining that you're still tired? I thought you liked my method of waking you up?" Denise looked
down at the unclasped buttons of her jeans and realised she needed to take another shower.
"Oh I do... believe me. So... got to get back in the shower?" Randa's hopeful tone was not lost on DJ.
Denise grimaced. "Hmm, damn it. There I was running ahead of schedule." DJ pulled Randa to her feet, letting her eyes linger over the blonde's exposed
form. "Why do I have to find you so bloody irresistible anyway?"
Randa grinned widely. "Innate charm." Taking Denise's hand, the blonde pulled her towards the bathroom.
Checking her watch once again, Denise strode through the ground floor of the house. By the time she and Randa had gotten dressed they only had forty-
five minutes until Diane was due to arrive. DJ looked out of the living room window. Her eyes scanned the street, looking for the older woman. As of yet
there was no sign.
From the kitchen Denise heard Randa as the nurse put away cleaned dishes. While Randa had offered to unload the dishwasher, Denise had telephoned
Carl knowing he always arrived in his office the same time every day. The editor was thrilled to hear DJ was staying longer in England and doubly so that
Randa had arrived. He made the poet promise they would finally get to meet before heading back to the United States.
Fighting against the urge to look at her watch once again Denise slipped her hands into her pocket and headed back towards the kitchen.
"I don't know how much longer I can stand this waiting." The brunette leaned against the doorframe and watched Randa stack a row of tall frosted glasses
in a cupboard. "Why do I feel life as I knew it and facts I thought to be true are all about to change?"
"Because your overactive imagination... which in any other case is a good thing... is now running ahead of you."
"But you've got to admit& "
"Nothing," Randa insisted. "Lets wait and hear what Diane has to say first." Randa closed the cupboard door and approached DJ. She wrapped her
arms around the brooding woman's waist. "I'd offer to take your mind off things again but I don't think we have the time."
Denise pouted. "Shame." Leaning forwards she kissed Randa and jumped as the sound of a chain of slow knocks tapped against the front door. "That'll
be her," DJ said as she quickly headed towards the front of the house.
Stopping suddenly, Denise turned and poked her head back into the kitchen. "Hey?"
Randa turned. "Hmm?"
"I just wanted to say thank you& for coming all the way here. I've been feeling rather confused the past couple of days but you made me feel a hell of a lot
This time the doorbell chimed repeatedly.
Randa smiled as she kissed DJ. "Anything I can do to help you& I'm more than willing." She winked before slapping the poets behind. "No go answer the
door before Diane leaves."
With a nod DJ jogged away from the kitchen swiftly.
A silent tension hung over the room. Sitting in a single chair Denise looked over at a very quiet Diane who was closely inspecting a fragment of lint upon
her pale green skirt. Occasionally she would look up at DJ to see the poet wringing her hands together, her knuckles white with tension. Apart from the
simple hello's exchanged when Diane entered the house; no other words had been spoken. Both women sat at opposite sides of the room in a nervous
The door slowly creaked open and DJ watched Randa enter the room, carrying two mugs. She smiled brightly at Diane and placed her cup upon a small
side table.
"Diane, it's great to see you again. How are you?"
"Oh I'm fine, Randa. How are you, dear?"
Randa nodded. "Good." The blonde handed DJ her coffee and pulled a bottle of her favourite soda from her pocket. "How was your trip away?"
The older woman smiled brightly. "It was nice to see old friends again. We aren't able to get together that often."
Noticing that DJ was yet to speak, Randa continued their conversation asking, "How was the weather?"
"Cold!" Diane answered. "It was by the coast. The sea winds really did whip up a draft." Diane continued to chat away nervously. "The sky was lovely and [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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