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You use a technique, I believe it s called,  call backs .
You have people touching themselves and saying things.
Tell a little about the power of call backs and how that
works and how to go about doing that.
I was going to ask you what you saw in me that
caused rapport. What I ask people to do is, I ask
them to touch themselves. That is called an anchor.
And it wakes them up to a different level.
Because I want people to repeat, "I'm healthy, I'm
happy, I'm successful." What we learned from my
friend Deepak Chopra, who is probably the greatest
medical doctor, quantum physicist, and ayurvedic
Deepak says, (faking Indian accent)  happy
thinking causes happy cells, happy cells, happy
quanta, happy quanta causes everything else to be
happy. [Laughing]
I do his accent okay I think. I studied in India for a
year, so I got the Indian accent down.
I'm certainly not making fun. I'm just saying that
everyone of us needs to decide whether you are
going to be happy or sad, whether you are going to
be successful or a failure.
You've got to say,  goodbye to poverty, hello to
riches. You've got to say,  goodbye to sickness,
hello to health. Goodbye to limitedness and hello to
There are plenty of examples around at every
level. Whether its spiritual, mental, physical,
financial. All of it exists and there is total prosperity
available to each of us individually. Then when we all
find it individually, we have it collectively.
Can you talk about money as energy?
That's all money is, is energy.
The simplest form that I see is called,  the
velocity of money.
If we had a seminar and there's 400 people in
front of me right now. I take the front row and I take
out a dollar. One dollar bill and I buy something from
you, Michael, and I had you buy something from
Sam, and Sam buys from Sally, it goes on
everybody's financial statement.
But Harry gets the dollar and goes, "Oh, my
God. I read the New York Times. I don't believe it.
We are going to go into a recession tomorrow. We've
had a boom market too long, there's got to be a
What happens is that, Harry here locks up that
one dollar, stops it, and it doesn't go in the other 395
people's financial statement. Whereas what I'm
teaching is just the opposite.
I teach the answer to the question, based on
affirmations. Like your are saying, "How's business?"
The answer is, "Booming." Because it's always
booming for someone, somewhere, somehow,
Right now, America is in the greatest boom in
history. It depends on what city you live in, but
basically America's unemployment is 4.4%, down to
3%, down to 2% in some places and we are
importing foreigners just to work.
Because what happens, is that we are the
thinking capital of the world. The whole imagination
thing that Bill Gates talked about. We were talking
about it earlier.
There is no limit to imagination. As long as
people imagine positively, we get more software,
more books, more tapes, more videos, more games,
more recreation. New ideas. And its exciting. We'll
go do great stuff.
Awesome. I wish this interview was four hours.
I want to stay right here. You as a professional speaker, a
lot of times I do this show because there's questions and
things I want to know. I love sharing the information with
my audience.
You the professional speaker, Mark, what do you think is
the most persuasive technique that you know? That you use
in your communication?
Stories. That's exactly why we did the whole
Chicken Soup series.
Jason Oman, had a question to ask you, Mark.
Ask. Please.
It s an interesting question. He asks,  Mark, what do you
look forward to in the morning when you wake up? What are
the first thoughts out of your mind in the mornings?
Well, I believe that everybody ought to get up just
a little bit earlier than they usually would get up.
Maybe go to the restroom. Then come back and
meditate, cogitate, ruminate, and pray about your
day for 15 minutes to a half hour. Do it before you
really start your day. And do it in a quietude. A quiet
environment where you re not distracted.
You should make sure that your day is going to
be the ideal day for you. Imagine in your mind, you
come backwards through the day. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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