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Several moments later, with Stryver pressed against his lover s
back, Blue spoke, his tone quiet, speculative.  Did you know he wants
me dead?
Stryver stiffened and leaned forward to see his lover s expression
as Blue raised his head.
Their gazes met as Stryver lowered his to Blue s mouth, watching
his lips move with his words.  Do you know what your master
 No. I suspect. Is this what you believe, or do you see something
that verifies it?
 I felt it the moment we arrived. He s evil, this master of yours.
His aura is black.
Stryver grunted.  All for the better good.
 Yes. His. Blue turned so he faced him.  Do you think his spies
are listening to us now?
 I thought as much. So if I kissed you, they d know it, too?
 Most definitely.
 Do you think they d care or run screaming from this place at
such a sinful sight?
 Let s find out. Stryver covered Blue s mouth, and all other
thoughts fled his mind.
The first touch of his lover s hungry lips sent welcoming shards of
desire through him. He refused to heed the gentle nudge to fulfill his
own need.
They broke apart. Blue s eyes glazed over with passion.
How could he leave his precious love?
Blue Heaven 143
No, he wouldn t, not like this.
His future stretched long and empty, a pointless journey of endless
days without Blue at his side. He d find a way to fix this.
Aidal had his own manipulations at work here. When Stryver
discovered what they were, he d know the path he d have to travel.
Together with Blue.
 Come. Let s get you dressed and ready to meet with Master.
A low groan slipped from Blue s kiss-swollen lips.  There s no
other way?
Stryver released him, grabbed the edge of the pool, and swung out
of the water. He picked up one of the drying linens and snapped it free
of its neat folds. He held it ready for Blue.
His lover rose from the water, hovering above the steamy liquid.
He floated to the edge and alighted with gentle ease on the mosaic
tile. A magnificent God in the flesh, bared for any who dared spy on
them. Did those who no doubt watched in secret experience the same
awe he did every time he witnessed Blue s nakedness? How could
they not? A soft, glowing aura covered the smaller man s body,
giving it the ethereal presence of the God inside him.
Pulling his thoughts away from the unseen eyes, he focused on the
cloth as he wrapped it around Blue s slender form. He rubbed every
inch of the smaller man s body, silently enjoying the feel of the taut
muscles under his hands.
While Blue waited, Stryver dried off and pulled his own clothes
on. Once he finished, he led Blue to the other room, where scarlet and
gold robes were laid on the bed, waiting to adorn the Godchild s
body. Blue stopped at the edge of the bed, his gaze centered on the
rich robes. He touched the satiny material with one finger.
 Call the servants.
Surprised at the quiet command, Stryver went to the door and
motioned to the attendant waiting outside to follow him.
The man entered and knelt before Blue.
144 Jadette Paige
Still wrapped in the linen cloth, Blue spoke, his voice low and
contemplative.  Please remove these. Bring me linen. Light blue
robes with no adornment.
 But, Your Imminence, surely these are more appropriate to your
station. The servant s expression added to the confusion evident in
his words.
Blue s eyes shifted to the man.  Do you question me?
The instant glint of fear in the man s eyes forced his head down.
 Not at all, Your Holiness. I will bring what you desire. He stood
and backed to the door, leaving them alone.
 Why not those? Stryver moved closer to the bed. He picked up
the edge of the gold-trimmed, crimson outer robe, rubbing the silky
material between his fingers.
 They no longer suit me. I am not who I once was. Blue met his
gaze. Sorrow reflected in the startling azure eyes.
Servants traipsed through the open door, carrying new, simpler
robes of white and pale blue in their arms. Placing the new raiments
on the bed, they removed the other ones and departed, shutting the
door behind them.
Stryver nodded toward the clothes.  Want me to help you dress?
A slight smile tugged at Blue s mouth.  If you like. It would be
nice to have another memory to keep.
Small tings went off under Stryver s skin. He grinned and shook
his head, reaching for the white underpants.  You ll have a lifetime of
memories, love. I swear it to you.
Blue gasped and glanced at him. Within the azure of his eyes,
hope budded.
 Now, drop the cloth. I do so admire your body bared to me.
 Do you?
Leaning closer so only Blue would hear him, he breathed against
his brow.  Always. The cloth slid off to reveal pale, sleek skin.
Warmth pooled between Stryver s legs.
Blue Heaven 145
With gentle touches, he adorned Blue s body with these new
robes. He slid his palms down over slender hips. The feel of Blue
beneath his calloused palm sent weakening streams of desire
throughout him. Why couldn t this be different? Why hadn t he been
reared a farmer and Blue born as a normal man? Their lives would
have been so simple, serene and calm. Not like now, when fear left
the taint of loss in his mouth.
He swallowed over the tightness in his throat. Stay focused, idiot.
You want to live, but not without Blue. We ll escape this. We have to.
Once he smoothed the outer robe down, Stryver stepped back, his
gaze surveying his lover. The color brightened and complimented the
azure of his lover s eyes.
 There s food. Do you want to eat? He glanced over to the table
arrayed with several different dishes.
 No, not now. Besides, I d rather finish this.
Stryver nodded.  Yes, it s best. I ll take you to him.
 Then you ll leave?
 If he releases me. He grasped Blue s shoulder.  You ll do fine.
 No harm to any innocents. That s what you said, correct?
A pang of fear lanced across Stryver s belly. The beloved fool
was planning something.  Yes. No innocents.
 We re only a step closer to what we desire. Blue turned to the
door.  Shall we go and face our future?
What else could he do but trail after him? The door opened to the
path before them where Fate intended them to travel, even into the
jaws of the beast whose fangs might rip them to shreds.
146 Jadette Paige
Chapter Eighteen
Rage is sharp like the finest blade, cutting, slicing, disseminating all
in its path.
This life belonged to Blue. No one else. He owned it. He would
decide what would happen to shape the world around him. Who he
chose to love, where to live, and when to die remained solely in his
hands. The fear of death no longer loomed over him. His decision
burned through his blood, pounded in his chest, demanded he carry it
His heart, his very soul followed behind him. Stryver implied he
would help change what Aidal plotted. His hints said with clarity that
they would have a future together. And so they would. Stryver s
mortality was absolute. Blue s, not so much. It would take a long time
for Blue to die from wounds. Even starvation had taken months to
deprive him of life and there was only a few holy relics that would
end his life quickly. The man he loved could die. If that happened,
Aidal would pay with his blood for the deed. Blue made his decision.
Blue moved forward to the entrance of Aidal s home. The flames
flickered with low crackles above the torches lighting the hallway and
entrance foyer. The man he despised waited for them. Eyes shadowed
in the dim light, a void of any gentle emotion radiated from Stryver s
master, thus making Blue s reasons for his demise justified.
 Your Imminence. Aidal spoke in a voice slick with false
subservience. Oh, yes, Blue heard the lies in his tone and saw the
emptiness in his gaze. Another low bow in his direction provided him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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