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nutrition habits into your already too complicated lives.
b. Unlike fad diets and weighty books of calorie counts, the food pyramid is a clear visual aid
that will help people remember the essentials of healthy eating.
c. While the food pyramid can help you learn how to eat more healthily, it cannot replace the
necessity of exercise.
d. The nutrition plan set out in the food pyramid was designed to make it easy to fit good
nutrition habits into people's already too complicated lives.
366.Which of the following changes is needed in the above passage?
a. Part 5: Insert comma after "pyramid."
b. Part 1: Replace "most" with "more."
c. Part 7: Replace ''of which" with ''which."
d. Part 8: Insert a colon after "is."
Page 82
Answer questions 367 and 368 on the basis of the following passage.
(1) Police officers must read suspects their Miranda rights upon taking them into custody. (2)
When a suspect who is merely being questioned incriminates himself, he might later claim to
have been in custody and seek to have the case dismissed on the grounds of not having been
appraised of his Miranda rights. (3) In such cases, a judge must make a determination as to
whether or not a reasonable person would have believed himself to have been in custody, based
on certain criteria. (4) Officers must be aware of these criteria and take care not to give suspects
grounds for later claiming they believed themselves to be in custody. (5) The judge must
ascertain whether the suspect was questioned in a threatening manner (for example, if the suspect
was seated while both officers remained standing) and whether the suspect was aware that he or
she was free to leave at any time.
367. Which of the underlined words in the paragraph should be replaced by a more appropriate,
accurate word?
a. incriminates
b. appraised
c. criteria
d. ascertain
368. Which of the following changes would make the sequence of ideas in the paragraph clearer?
a. Place Part 5 after Part 1.
b. Reverse Parts 3 and 5.
c. Reverse the order of Parts 4 and 5.
d. Delete Part 2.
Answer questions 369 and 370 on the basis of the following passage.
(1) In space flight there are the obvious hazards of meteors, debris, and radiation, however,
astronauts must also deal with two vexing physiological foes muscle atrophy and bone loss. (2)
Space shuttle astronauts, because they spend only about a week in space, undergo minimal
wasting of bone and muscle. (3) But when longer stays in microgravity or zero gravity are
contemplated, as in the proposed space station or a twoyear round trip voyage to Mars, these
problems are of particular concern because they could become acute.
(4) One completed NASA study, as well as a preliminary experiment at MIT, show that muscle
atrophy can be kept largely at bay with appropriate exercise, but bone loss caused by reduced
gravity cannot. (5) The scientists can measure certain flight-related hormonal changes and can
obtain animal bone biopsies immediately after flights, but they do not completely understand
how gravity affects the bones or what happens at the cellular level.
369. Which of the following parts of the passage is nonstandard sentence?
a. Part 1
b. Part 3
c. Part 4
d. Part 5
370. Which of the following changes is needed in the passage?
a. Part 3: Change "they" to "it."
b. Part 4: Change "flight-related" to ''flight related.''
c. Part 4: Change "show" to "shows."
d. Part 5: Change "they do" to "he does."
Page 83
Answer questions 371 and 372 on the basis of the following passage.
(1) Courts allow hearsay evidence, secondhand reporting of a statement, only when the truth of
the statement is irrelevant. (2) Hearsay that depends on the statement's truthfulness, is
inadmissible because the witness does not appear in court and swear an oath to tell the truth. (3)
Because his demeanor when making the statement is not visible to the jury, the accuracy of the
statement cannot be tested under cross-examination, and to introduce it would deprive the
accused of the constitutional right to confront the accuser. (4) The courtroom demeanor of a
witness is crucial to a lawyer's convincing a jury of the veracity of his case. (5) Hearsay is
admissible, however, when the truth of the statement is unimportant. (6) If, for example, a
defendant claims he was unconscious at a certain time, but a witness claims that the defendant
spoke to her at that time, this evidence would be admissible because the truth of what the
defendant said is irrelevant.
371. Which of the following numbered parts is LEAST relevant to the main idea of the
a. Part 1
b. Part 4
c. Part 5
d. Part 6
372. Which of the following changes is needed in the passage?
a. Part 5: Remove the comma after "however."
b. Part 3: Remove the comma after "jury."
c. Part 2: Remove the comma after "truthfulness."
d. Part 1: Remove the comma after "statement."
Answer questions 373 374 on the basis of the following passage.
(1) There are two types of diabetes, insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent. (2) Between
90 and 95 percent of the estimated 13 to 14 million people in the United States with diabetes
have non-insulindependent, or Type II, diabetes. (3) Because this form of diabetes usually begins
in adults over the age of 40 and is most common after the age of 55, it used to be called
adult-onset diabetes. (4)_____________its symptoms often develop gradually and are hard to
identify at first, nearly half of all people with diabetes do not know they have it.
(5)_____________, someone who has developed Type II diabetes may more feel tired or ill
without knowing why. (6) This can be particularly dangerous because untreated diabetes can
cause damage to the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, and nerves. (7) While the causes,
short-term effects, and treatments of the two types of diabetes differ, both types can cause the
same long-term health problems.
373. Which of the following parts of the paragraph contains a nonstandard comparison?
a. Part 7
b. Part 5
c. Part 3
d. Part 2
374. Which sequence of words, if inserted in order into the blanks in the paragraph, help the
reader understand the sequence and logic of the writer's ideas?
a.Since . . . For example
b. While . . . Next
c. Moreover . . . Eventually
d. Because . . . Thus
Page 84
SET 28 (Answers begin on page 143.)
Answer questions 375 377 on the basis of the following paragraph.
(1) By using tiny probes as neural prostheses, scientists may be able to restore nerve function in
quadriplegics, make the blind see, or the deaf hear. (2) Thanks to advanced techniques, an
implanted probe can stimulate individual neurons electrically or chemically and then record
responses. (3) Preliminary results suggest that the microprobe telemetry systems can be
permanently implanted and replace damaged or missing nerves.
(4) The tissue-compatible microprobes represent an advance over the typically aluminum wire
electrodes used in studies of the cortex and other brain structures. (5) Previously, researchers data
were accumulated using traditional electrodes, but there is a question of how much damage they [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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