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7, No. 6 (June 1958), pp. 3-16.
51 This sentence is incomplete in the original. matic pressure from Great Britain, France, and and Hungarian. For a useful account, see Bill
52 This refers to the new Hungarian government s the United States. On 27 and 28 October, Israel Lomax, Hungary 1956 (London: Allison and
mobilized its army for an operation that was Busby, 1976), pp. 118-119, 126-127. On 26 Oc-
declaration on 28 October, which Nagy would
broadly coordinated with France and Great Brit- tober the fighters in the Corvin district elected
read over the radio at 5:20 p.m. that same after-
ain. On 29 October, Israeli troops moved rapidly Gergely Pongracz as their leader. Suslov presum-
noon. Among other things, the declaration called
into Egyptian territory. The French and British ably is referring to Pal Maleter when he mentions
for the dissolution of the state security organs,
joined the Israeli incursions on 31 October by  a colonel from the Horthyite army. Early on
amnesties for those involved in the uprising, the
the morning of 24 October, Maleter had been or- ments: one that arrived on the morning of 30 the Soviet Union, where he was appointed a
dered by the then-defense minister Istvan Bata to October, and two that arrived late at night on 29 deputy defense minister. Evidently, Khrushchev
move with five tanks against the insurgents in October. The item that arrived on the morning of had spoken with Gomulka by phone that morn-
Budapest s 8th and 9th Districts, providing relief 30 October was a secure, high-frequency tele- ing.
83 The five principles of Pancha Shila (1) mu-
for the Kilian Barracks in the 9th District. When phone message from Mikoyan and Suslov, which
Maleter and his tank unit arrived on the scene, gave a bleak portrayal of the latest events. See tual respect for sovereignty and territorial integ-
they decided to support the rebels cause instead.  TsK KPSS, 30 October 1956 (Strictly Secret), rity, (2) non-aggression, (3) non-interference in
Maleter then assumed command of insurgent in TsKhSD, F.89, Op.45, D.12, Ll.1-3. Of the internal affairs, (4) equality and mutual benefit,
forces in the Kilian barracks. two documents that arrived late at night on the and (5) peaceful coexistence were endorsed in
71 The original reads the 24th, but this incident 29th, one was a ciphered telegram from Mikoyan a joint statement by Chinese prime minister Zhou
actually occurred on the 25th. A peaceful dem- and Suslov reporting that they had attended a ses- Enlai and Indian prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru
onstration of some 25,000 people was held on 25 sion of the HWP Presidium earlier that evening. in New Delhi on 28 June 1954. The principles
October outside the Parliament Building (where They also commented on the takeover of the were intended to  guide relations between the two
Nagy s office was located, though Nagy was not Szabad Nep building by a group of unarmed stu- countries as well as  relations with other coun-
inside). The precise sequence of events cannot dents and writers. Mikoyan and Suslov asserted tries in Asia and in other parts of the world. For
be conclusively determined, but most evidence that the Hungarian  comrades have failed to win the full text of the statement, see G. V. Ambekar
suggests that Hungarian state security (AVH) over the masses, and that  the anti-Communist and V. D. Divekar, eds., Documents on China s
forces suddenly opened fire on the unarmed elements are behaving impudently. In addition, Relations with South and South-East Asia (1949-
crowd, with additional shots being fired by So- they expressed concern about what would hap- 1962) (New York: Allied Publishers, 1964), pp.
viet tanks deployed around the building. Roughly pen to former agents of the Hungarian State Se- 7-8.
84 Zhukov is referring here to the Political Con-
200 people were killed and many more were in- curity (AVH) forces in the wake of Nagy s deci-
jured. As news of the incident spread around sion to disband the AVH. See  Shifrtelegramma: sultative Committee (PKK) of the recently-cre-
Budapest, the reported scale of the bloodshed TsK KPSS, 29 October 1956 (Strictly Secret- ated Warsaw Treaty Organization. The PKK con-
quickly became exaggerated and most of the Urgent), from A. Mikoyan and M. Suslov, in vened only seven times between 1955 and 1966,
blame for the deaths was attributed erroneously, AVPRF, F.059a, Op.4, P.6, D.5, Ll.13-14. The despite its statutory requirement to meet at least
it seems to the Soviet tanks. No Soviet or Hun- other document that arrived late on the 29th was twice a year.
85 During major international crises in the post-
garian officials were held accountable for the a situation report from Ivan Serov, dated 29 Oc-
deaths, but Suslov s statement indicates that tober, which Mikoyan and Suslov ordered to be Stalin period, the Soviet Presidium/Politburo oc- [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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