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the fresh sea air was healthy. This was especially important to
One action may be used more than once.
people living in London, because it was a very dirty city in Victorian
Agnes 1 ... went to the meeting in Canterbury
times. Everyone had coal fires in their homes and the smoke hung
2 ... would probably marry Uriah
over the city causing very thick fog called a 'pea souper'. London's
Aunt Betsey Heep soon.
nickname in those days was 'The Smoke'. To begin with, only the
3 ... had been stealing money.
rich had the time and money to take holidays at all, but now nearly
David 4 ... had been behaving very strangely.
everyone takes at least one holiday a year.
5 ... went back to Dover.
Mr Micawber 6 ... would soon become famous.
I What are the popular holiday destinations in your own
7 ... was in love with David.
country? Talk about them in class.
Mr Peggotty 8 ... had three children.
II Do you think it is important to take time out for holidays?
9 ... came back from Australia.
Why/Why not?
Uriah Heep 10 ... became a governor in Australia.
What's the moral?
What do you think?
A moral is a lesson about what is right or wrong that you can learn
A Discuss the following questions.
from a story. What do you think the moral is in 'David Copperfield'?
Choose from those listed below or make up your own.
1 Why do you think David and Agnes never told each other
how they felt before?
" Life goes on, no matter what happens to you.
2 Is it sometimes a good idea to keep your feelings and other
" Always look for the best in people; they will never let you
things (e.g. bad news) to yourself?
" Everybody has a good side if you look for it.
B Find the following extracts from Chapter 10 and discuss
" Honesty and kindness pay off in the end.
their meanings.
" When things go wrong, try again.
" Blood is thicker than water.
1 p. 53: "I (David) suddenly felt empty, as if 1 had lost something
" Love conquers all.
very precious."
" Trust your instincts - they are usually correct.
2 p. 56: "... do you (Agnes) doubt my (David) being true to
" Always look on the bright side of life.
Your own ........................................................................
Project A
Project A
II What other jobs can you think of? Write down as many as
JOBS you can think of and then compare your list with that of your
I A number of different jobs -were mentioned in 'David Copperfield'.
My list
See if you can match the jobs to the characters from the story.
Some may be used more than once.
III Put the jobs into different groups under the following headings
and make posters. Jobs with People, Jobs with Machinery,
Creative Jobs and Jobs with Animals. Some of the jobs will
fit into more than one category.
Jobs with People Jobs with Machinery Creative Jobs Jobs with Animals
IV Find a picture of someone doing one of the jobs you found
or draw a picture of someone doing this job.
Project B
Project B
Change the Story!
Summaries do not need to be written in paragraphs. They can
also be told through a flow diagram.
What if David's mother did not marry Mr Murdstone? Then the
later action would change. The two alternatives are below.
This is what actually happened:
This is what could have happened:
As you can see, the change in one action affects the rest of the
story. The characters make decisions which affect later action.
a) Make a list of the key events in the story. Think about the
choices the characters had to make at each of these key events
and make a list of these, too (e.g. David's mother marries
Mr Murdstone, David bites Mr Murdstone, etc).
b) Think what would have happened if the characters had made
different choices at each key event and make a list of the
What is the new moral of your story?
c) Choose one of these key events and re-write the story in flow
diagram format, based on the alternative decision the character
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