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can provide fixed and removable
¡ A restoration section (with psychiatric nurses,
prosthodontics support.
clinical psychologists, occupational therapy
officers, plus enlisted) that may divide into
The team is normally assigned to the medical
four 11-person CSC restoration teams, each
battalion with further attachment to the medical
providing stabilization and restoration or
company or an existing hospital organization.
reconditioning for up to 50 BFCs, plus
This unit provides additional fixed and
consultation, reconstitution support, and NP
removable prosthodontics support for up to
triage support.
40 000 personnel.
¡ The preventive and restoration teams may be
employed separately, but more commonly are
Role 3 Hospital Dental Support. This support
combined into task-organized sections to staff
is provided by the dental service organic to the
restoration or reconditioning facilities.
HUB. The dental service consists of an oral
surgeon, a comprehensive dental officer, an
¡ The CSC teams are 100 per cent mobile and
enlisted preventive dentistry specialist, and an
can provide austere shelter, heat tray packs,
enlisted dental specialist. The dental service and water for field hygiene for a limited
provides oral and maxillofacial surgery numbers of BFCs. These teams depend on
specialty care and consultation, as well as the units to which they are attached for
logistical and communications support. Large
maintaining dental care for hospital personnel.
QAP 82
Chapter Five U.S. Army CHS Organizations and Functions
restoration or reconditioning centres require for up to 50 BFCs, plus consultation,
augmentation with patient holding assets. reconstitution support, and combat NP triage
support, usually in the Division Support Area
¡ A company is allocated to the corps on the
basis of one medical company, CSC per two
divisions for high-intensity conflict and one ¡ One medical detachment, CSC, is allocated
per division or allocated per two to three
per four or five divisions for mid-intensity
separate brigade-sized forces not otherwise
conflict. The HQs section of the medical
provided CSC support.
company, CSC, usually collocates with its
higher medical HQs or with the headquaters
and support company (HSC) of an evacuation
battalion or ASMB which provides staff
coordination, communication, and logistical
Medical Battalion (Support Command, Corps,
support. Depending on availability and phase
or COMM Z). Area medical support in the CZ
of conflict, a CSC company or elements thereof
and the COMM Z is provided by the ASMB.
may also be assigned to the COMM Z.
The ASMB provides CHS for Roles 1 and 2 and
Medical Detachment, CSC. The mission of the
medical staff advice and assistance, as required,
medical detachment, CSC, is to provide forward
for all assigned and attached elements of the corps
combat stress casualty prevention, treatment, and
and COMM Z.
The ASMB is assigned to the medical brigade or
This unit is assigned to a medical brigade. It may
the medical group depending on the density of
be attached to a medical group or to a medical
CHS organizations in a TO. This unit provides:
company, CSC. It is routinely attached to the
MSB operational control to the Division Mental
¡ CHS planning, policies, support operations,
Health Section (DMHS). At full strength, this
and coordination of CHS in an AO within
unit provides:
the CZ or the COMM Z.
¡ Advice to commanders and their staffs on the
¡ Planning and staff advice to C2 HQs
health of their commands.
regarding the stressors affecting the troops
¡ Current information concerning CHS to
such as combat intensity and sleep
higher HQs.
deprivation; their mental readiness, morale,
¡ Role 2 MTFs for receiving, sorting, and
cohesion, morals, and spiritual welfare; and
administering medical treatment for all classes
the potential for and status of treatment of
of patients.
BF and other NP casualties including
substance abuse casualties.
¡ Reinforcements, reconstitution, or
replacement of Roles 1 and 2 CHS assets.
¡ A preventive section that divides into three
CSC preventive teams; each provides
¡ Ground evacuation for patients from Role 2
consultation, combat NP triage,
treatment squads to the area support
reconstitution support, and medical
treatment squads and from other units in the
supervision and RTD coordination for
CZ or the COMM Z operating in this
restoration in a BSA.
battalion s AO.
¡ One CSC restoration team that provides ¡ Management of HSL materiel and supervision
stabilization, restoration, and reconditioning of maintenance on medical equipment.
QAP 82
Chapter Five U.S. Army CHS Organizations and Functions
¡ Laboratory, pharmacy, and radiological services treatment to all assigned or attached units
commensurate with Role 2 medical treatment. operating in the battalion s AO in either the
corps or COMM Z.
¡ Emergency dental care, to include stabilization
of maxillofacial injuries, sustaining dental care
¡ Triage and treatment to patients generated
designed to prevent or intercept potential dental
in the HSC AOR.
emergencies, and limited preventive dentistry.
¡ Evacuation of patients from units within the
¡ Mental health services and management of
HSC s AOR to the treatment squads of the
combat stress casualties.
¡ Eye examinations, management of ocular
¡ Treatment squads which are capable of
injuries and diseases, spectacle frame
operating independently of the HSC for
assembly using presurfaced single-vision lenses,
limited periods of time to provide EMT,
and repair services for CZ or COMM Z unit
ATM, and sick call medical support to
assigned in this battalion s AO. For greater
forces involved in combat or to perform
optical fabrication and resupply of the optical
reinforcement, reconstitution, or
MESs, requisitions are supported by the
replacement to forward medical units.
forward MEDLOG battalion.
¡ CHL support, to include medical resupply,
¡ PVNTMED consultation and support.
medical repair parts, and medical
¡ Patient holding for up to 160 patients.
maintenance support to units assigned or
attached to the battalion s AOR. The [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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