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Almighty, Who decreed a firmament in the midst of the waters, and of Jesus Christ His Son our Saviour,
I consecrate thee (+) to the service of God, in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Ghost. Amen."
"(Casting the salt into the water.) We pray Thee, O God, Lord of Heaven and earth, and of all that in
them is, both visible and invisible, that Thou mayest stretch forth the right hand of Thy power upon
these creatures of the elements and hallow them in Thy holy Name. Grant that this salt may make for
health of body and this water for health of soul, and that there may be banished from the place where
they are used every power of adversity and every illusion and artifice of evil, for the sake of Jesus Christ
our Saviour. Amen."
The water thus consecrated may be used as a bath, or for making the Sign of Cross upon the forehead, or
for sprinkling about a place. When thus using it, the following prayer may be employed.
"In the Name which is above every other name, and in the power of the Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Ghost, I exorcise all influences and seeds of evil; I lay upon them the spell of Christ's Holy Church,
that they may be bound fast as with chains and cast into outer darkness, that they trouble not the servants
of God."
In pointing or making the Sign of the Cross (+), the first and second fingers are extended and the third
and fourth are bent towards the palm of the hand and the thumb laid upon their nails. When the hand is
extended in blessing over the salt and water, it is held flat, fingers together and parallel, and thumb
stretched at right angles to the fore finger.
If there is sufficient occult force at work to produce physical phenomena, it is very advisable to take
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precautions to prevent materialisations taking place. The physical phenomena are of several types. They
may take the form of noises, usually creakings, thuds, or more rarely bell-like notes or wailing sounds. If
actual words are heard, auditory hallucinations should be suspected, for in the absence of a medium,
spirit messages are given to the inner ear, not to the auditory nerve. Lights may also be seen, usually
taking the form of dim balls of luminous mist drifting like soap-bubbles. They may be any size from
mere points of light to considerable dimensions, some six feet or more in diameter. In these spheres of
dim luminosity psychics can generally see forms, sometimes human, sometimes from the animal
kingdom. Whitish-grey clouds can also sometimes be seen, rising pillar-wise from the floor like smoke.
These are usually fixed to one place and do not move about the room as do the spheres of light, such
movement as occurs being within themselves, like the eddyings of smoke caught under a tumbler. More
rarely a distinctive odour may be noticed, and still more rarely there may be precipitations of powdery
substances or slime. Light objects also may be overturned or thrown about the room.
There are certain substances which experience has proved to be effectual in preventing the condensation
of etheric energy from taking place. Camphor dissolved in vinegar and placed in saucers about the room
will cope effectually with low degrees of force, but for higher potencies nitric acid is the best thing to
use, a small quantity being poured into a saucer and exposed to the air. It is best to use it well diluted to
prevent accidents, for it is not the strength of the acid in the saucer that is efficacious, but its evaporation
into the air, and it will evaporate just as well when diluted as when neat. In what manner it works I have
not the slightest idea, but its value is well known among psychic experimenters.
The methods of occult attack employed in modern Europe are exclusively mental, so far as my
experience of them has gone at any rate. That is to say, they work by the mind on the mind, and only
affect physical conditions incidentally. In the East and among primitive people, however, other aspects
have to be considered, as a much more etheric type of magic is in use under primitive conditions of life
and upon virgin soils. For these etheric operations, material sub stances are required in order that the
magnetism attached to them may be made use of. Hair-combings, nail-parings, cast-off clothes, objects
in familiar use, all contain magnetism. Consequently care should be taken to see that such things are
effectually disposed of when discarded. Combings and nail-parings should be promptly burnt. Cast-off
clothing should never be allowed to go out of the possession of the owner till it has had at least three
days' exposure to sun and air in the open. The magnetism will be more effectually dispelled if the
garments be laid on the earth, especially freshly turned earth, than if hung on a line. The same applies to
furniture. The chair that has been the accustomed seat and, above all things, the bedding, should be
thoroughly aired and sunned before they are parted with. The same precautions are useful if any
second-hand article has been purchased.
The disposal of night-soil should also be carefully arranged for and entrusted to reliable servants,
abundant disinfectants and deodorants being constantly in use. Precautions should be observed to
prevent any native obtaining access to fresh excreta. After the animal heat has gone out of it, its magical
value has greatly decreased. A dirty handkerchief, too, is an effectual magnetic link, and so are dressings
from a wound. Anything, in fact, that bears traces of any of the by-products of the body.
But apart from any question of psychic attack, there are two substances which are especially prized for
purposes of magic, and these are seminal fluid and menstrual blood. The former is used in fertility rites
and the latter in certain forms of evocation. These substances are exceedingly hard to come by in
primitive lands, because the natives, knowing their significance, guard them most scrupulously; but the
mem-sahib has no suspicions, and allows stained garments and bed linen to go into the hands of the
washerman to be disposed of at his discretion, satisfied so long as the garments themselves return safely
at the end of the week, and never thinking to enquire what becomes of the water in which they were
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washed. There are many parts of the world in which the sale of these magical substances is a profitable
side-line of the laundering business.
In Europe, menstrual blood and feces are part of the magical substances of the Black Mass, being made
up into patens with wheat flour. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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