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soft surface with a bounce.
 Carls&  A frown marred Andrew s sweet, little boy face. The man was nearing
thirty and still looked fifteen.
She stared at the white popcorn ceiling.  I know this isn t funny. It s dumb and
scary and did I tell you I m pregnant? She waved a hand.  Never mind, you probably
know already. I smell different, apparently. Carly stacked her hands behind her head.
 So, who do you think wants to kill me?
For a while, Andrew didn t say a word, but she didn t rush him. He was a
thinker and tended to work things through in his head before voicing his ideas. Seconds
ticked by and finally he lay down next to her, shoulder to shoulder, hip to hip. He
shifted and wiggled a little next to her, probably getting comfortable, but still he
remained silent.
 Who wants to kill you? Hmm& 
She tilted her head to the side and nudged his head with hers.  Yeah. I think it s
that Naomi bitch. The growly guys think its Freedom or HSE, but I still vote for the
skinny whore.
Andrew wiggled again. Sometimes the man couldn t get comfortable.
 No, I don t think its Naomi. Though she could be involved somehow. There
could be more at play than they realize.
 No? You think she s had help? That wasn t something she d ever considered,
but Carly couldn t discount her friend s opinion.
 Maybe&  He sighed and turned toward her.  You know I love you, Carly,
She internally winced, knowing that the love he confessed was romantic and not
friendly.  I know.
 Good, because I love you and I m doing this for you. You ll see, it ll be so much
better this way. A sharp pinch hit her, the stinging hint of pain emanating from her
forearm and she winced.  All along, it s been me.
Well, that sucked. She d totally kick his ass& the second she woke up&
* * *
What could have been minutes, or hours, later, Carly awoke.
A piercing throb invaded her head, pounding in time with her heart, but she
couldn t let the pain overtake her. Nope, she had some business to attend to.
Namely, kicking Andrew s ass.
She slitted her eyelids, taking stock of her position. She was in a small, one-room
cabin, arms tied behind her back and a cloth over her mouth. How trite. Really?
Andrew couldn t have gotten a little creative with the kidnapping? Whatever. When she
planned an abduction, she d go all out with the secret holding location. Something
super advanced and technology-y.
Further inspection of the room revealed the skinny psycho bitch (aka Naomi)
tied similarly to her along the opposite wall. Her eyes were wide, the whites nearly
glowing in the dim interior, and her nostrils flared with each quick exhale. She huffed
and puffed like a freight train, and Carly could smell her panic, the acidy tang flicking
her nose.
While carnivores were all about having fun with the panic stricken prey,
herbivores were just turned off. Actually, the feeling made Carly s rabbit run as far
away as she could, not wanting to get caught up in a predator s blood thirst. Cause as
sure as God made dandelions, a carnivore saw panicking prey as a tasty meal.
Carly was not a tasty meal. Nope. Never. Unless it was Neal and he was between
her thighs&
A shuffle to her left drew her attention and she watched a body in the shadows
move around the kitchen. Based on the size and build, she figured it was her kidnapper,
He d been her best guy friend for what seemed like forever. He was always at
her side, all smiles and laughs, and he d gotten along famously with Maya and Beth.
And he wanted her dead.
An ache built in her heart, filled it with pain and anger.
He d killed Beth.
Shot at her.
And now, he d filled her with drugs.
What would come next?
A whisper-soft whimper from Naomi drew his attention and Carly trailed after
him with her eyes. The man she thought she knew spun on his heel and stomped
toward his other captive, pulled his leg back and let it fly. Naomi s muffled cry filled
the room and a flare of compassion flickered to life. The woman was probably involved
in Andrew s plot in some way, but humans were delicate and Carly could only imagine
the damage he d just done.
Well, this had been what he d meant by  mostly . Naomi had to have been
involved in some way. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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