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His worry melted into disbelief.  What the hell for?
I grimaced, wishing the guards weren t hearing this.  You can fly back to the mainland while it s warm,
get on a bus, go home, and forget I ever asked you to help me with this. I don t know if I have enough
ever-after spindled to invoke both spells, and I can t let you risk being stuck like this if I  I grimaced.
  if I get hurt, I finished.  I don t think Ceri can reverse the curse herself, so she d have to twist a new
one, and for that she d need demon blood& . I wanted him to tell me I was being an ass and that he
was with me to the end, but I had to offer.
His brow furrowed.  Are you done? he said softly. I said nothing, and he leaned forward, putting his
lips beside my ear.  You re a dumbass witch, he whispered, his words soft but intent, and I smiled.  If I
could, I d pix you for a week for even suggesting I up and leave you here. You re going to unwind that
ever-after in your head to Were. Then you re going to pin that woman. And then we will get the hell off
this island with Nick.
 I m your backup, he said, taking a flushed step backward.  Not a come-easy friend who flies away at
the first sign of a problem. You need me, witch. You need me to carry Nick if he s unconscious, hotwire
the jeep to drive back to the beach, and steal a boat if he can t swim. And Jax is fine, he added.  He s a
grown pixy and can take care of himself. I made sure before we left that he knew the number to the
church and could read Cincinnati off the bus schedule.
The lines in his face eased, and a crafty glint replaced the hard anger in his eyes.  I don t need to be
small to get out of these cuffs. He sent one eyebrow up, turning into a scallywag.  Five seconds, easy.
The wash of relief flowing through me was distressingly short-lived.  But I m not going to let her pin me,
I said.  I m going to fight until I can t anymore. If I die, you re stuck like this.
His smile widened.  Aw, you aren t going to die, he said mischievously.
 Why? Because you re with me?
 Ooooh, she can be taught. Hiding his hands from the guards, he bent his thumb, moving it in a
stomach-turning disjointedness so the cuffs could slide right off.  Now get out there and get a mouthful of
bitch ass, he finished, jiggling his wrists so the metal links fell back in place.
I snorted.  Thanks, Coach, I said, feeling the first fingers of possibility ease my slight headache, but as I
looked over the noisy throng, I grew depressed. I didnot want to do this. It was a demon curse, for
God s sake.And the easiest way to get out of this, I thought. Ceri had said the payment wouldn t be that
bad. The smut would be worth escaping being drugged. I d seen her make the curse. Nothing had died
to make it.I was paying the price, not some poor animal or sacrificial person. Was it possible for a curse
to be technically black but morally white? Did that make using it right, or was I just a chicken-ass taking
the easy way out and rationalizing myself out of a lot of pain?
You can t do anything if you re dead,I told myself, deciding to worry about it later.
Nauseated, I looked over the heads of the growing conglomeration of Weres. The energy coming off
them seemed to swirl around me like a fog, making my skin tingle. Okay& I was going to be a wolf. I
wouldn t be helpless like before. Pam might not feel any pain, but if I got ahold of her neck, she was
going down in a modified sleeper.
A quick glace at Pam, and I shook my hands to loosen them. As challenger, it was my place to assume
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the field first. Breath held, I took five steps into the clearing. The noise increased, and a swift memory of
being a contestant in Cincy s illegal rat fights flitted through me and was gone. What was it with me and
organized beatings, anyway?
Pam turned. Head high, she smiled at the women with her and touched the shoulder of the one with the
most polish in parting. Light on her bare feet, she came forward, the crowd s noise turning softer, more
intent. It was easy to see the predator in her despite her diminutive size, and she reminded me of Ivy,
though the only similarity was their grace.
 Rache? Jenks said loudly, the alarm in his voice bringing me around. He pointed with his chin to
Walter approaching on the same path his wife had used. There were two men with him: one in a suit, and
the youngest in head-to-toe red silk, his walk a jewelry-jangling swagger.
Walter halted at the edge of the circle, and on impulse I opened my second sight. Walter s aura wasn t
rimmed in that hazy brown sheen it was permeated with it. The entire three packs had begun to accept
his dominance.
I quickly scanned the other two alpha males auras. Theirs were clear of Walter s influence, as were
their wives , but the visiting alphas had to know it was happening. That they were voluntarily letting him
do this to their packs scared the crap out of me. Whatever Nick had stolen must be big for them to bind
themselves for so long that Walter was starting to claim them all. It went against all Were tradition and
instinct. It just wasn t done.
Walter looked utterly satisfied. He glanced at me, his eyebrows rising as if knowing I could visually see
the mental connection he was fixing over another alpha s pack. Smirking, he looked to Pam and
Pam reached for the tie to her robe.  Wait! I called, and a ripple of laugher went through them. They
thought I was frightened.  I have a spell to Were with, and I don t want to get shot using it. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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