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was tall. Well, taller than me, and wider than me, but he had these odd
muttonchop sideburns, and his lips were oddly colored.
Phillip nodded.  Xavier.
 You know him?
 I do, indeed.
 Why does he hate you so much? Dustin had never met a man
who despised another so thoroughly.
 I had something Xavier desperately wanted. Rather than wait for
his chance, as I now believe would have come to him in time, he
chose to be selfish. He refused to help others, thinking this would
hurry his chance at happiness along. All Xavier did was spread his
misery to others.
 I don t understand.
 I know. And I am in a pickle, for I cannot in good conscience
intimate details to you. The only thing I can tell you is that Xavier is
Dustin was so shocked he leaned forward hard enough to send his
glasses flying.
Phillip plucked them out of midair and handed them back.
Curious. Mitch had done the exact same thing in almost the exact
same way.
 Lest you think I am some kind of monster, I must be clear that
Xavier died in a hiking accident, and not at my hand.
 He s dead? Dustin was relieved, and yet he felt guilty for being
glad that the man who had plagued him was deceased.
 A man like Xavier is not to be mourned. He took great pleasure
in hurting innocents. And you, young Master Brooks, are almost
painfully innocent.
Not anymore, Dustin thought. Not after what he d done with
Phillip stood.  But the tale of the sad and twisted Xavier is a story
for another day. He extended his hand.
Dustin peered at his hand.  Oh, right, I guess I should go. Thank
Wide Receiver 85
you for hearing me out and 
 Go? Why no, my dear Master Brooks. I have mistakenly given
you liquor. I had no idea you were under twenty-one, so I shall give
you a room for the night.
Just the thought of sleeping in a house like this spun Dustin s
head.  I can t. It was an automatic refusal. All his life he d feared
taking handouts. His encounter with Xavier had only reinforced
Dustin s innate fear of a friendly hand turning foul.
I don t deserve anything this fine popped into his head, and the
damn broken record of his brain echoed it three times, but instead,
Dustin whispered,  I was out to do you wrong, and now you think I
should accept your hospitality?
 Yes, I think you should.
Dustin sat staring at Phillip s hand for so long he withdrew and
settled back in the chair across from him.
 Dustin. May I call you Dustin?
 Yes, please.
 You may call me Phillip.
Dustin nodded.
 Did you actually do anything that Xavier wanted you to do?
 No, but I was 
 The answer is no. You may have considered doing those things,
you may have even figured out a way to do those things, but in the
end, you did not do those things. You did not do them because you
have a strong moral compass. You know right from wrong. Is that
 I got on the bus, but instead of asking questions, I  Dustin s
eyes got big, he felt a blush burn his face, and he hung his head so fast
his glasses flew off. They landed on the floor by Phillip s feet. Dustin
had been on the verge of telling Phillip Remson that he d been too
busy fooling around on the bus to do Xavier s dirty work!
After retrieving his glasses from the floor, Phillip offered them
86 Anitra Lynn McLeod
out, and Dustin slipped them back on. He couldn t look at the man.
He had a feeling Phillip knew what he d been doing on the bus. How
he knew, Dustin didn t have a clue, but Phillip knew.
 Did you meet someone on the bus? Phillip s voice was very low
and quiet. He asked as if he expected Dustin not to answer.
 Yeah. I mean, yes. I met someone. And I really like him. Like
wasn t the right word, but Dustin couldn t think of that other L word
in connection with Mitch until he d cleaned all of this up.
Dustin looked up. Judging by Phillip s reaction, Dustin was free
and clear now to scream his love for Mitch from the rooftops, just as
he d sworn he would.
 He s why you rushed back here and had to tell me everything
It wasn t really a question, not the way Phillip phrased it, but
Dustin nodded anyway. Why was it when Xavier knew things he
shouldn t, it was creepy, but with Phillip, it was calming?
 Splendid. Simply splendid.
Dustin had no idea why his relationship with Mitch, or anyone, for
that matter, would please Phillip Remson so much, but clearly it did.
Dustin couldn t help but feel better about everything just because
Phillip had that kind of impact. If he was happy, those around him
would pick up and reflect his mood. Phillip just had that kind of
 I now doubly insist that you stay the night here so that you can
join me for an early-morning drive to Lone Pine.
 What? Really? Dustin just about felt like he d won some kind of
crazy lottery where he almost did the most horrible thing, but if he
didn t do it at the very last second, he got rewarded with everything he
ever wanted.
 I think Xavier was desperate to uncover the fact that I am dating
a student at Twin Pines, who is also a scholarship recipient and a
member of the football team.
Wide Receiver 87
Dustin s eyes went wide.
 Ryan Stone. He s a senior and quite old enough, I assure you.
 He s the tight end, and he studies chemistry.
 I see you did study up on the team.
 I did. I thought if I knew who to ask, I could get it over with
 And yet you never got started.
 No. Mitch totally distracted me.
 Mitch Gay. The wide receiver?
Dustin nodded.  Why do you seem surprised?
 Surprised? No. Pleased. I think you two are quite well suited.
Phillip offered out his hand again.  Please do not reject my hospitality
twice. I promise I offer you only a room for the night, breakfast in the
morning, and a ride to the game. I have no hidden agenda or ulterior
With a guy like Ryan Stone sharing his bed, there was no way
Phillip would want skinny little Dustin taking his place. Ryan was big,
strong, and sexy. But every time Dustin had taken a handout, he d
gotten hurt. Every. Single. Time.
 I am not offering a handout. I m offering a hand up. I assure you,
the difference is profound.
Dustin hesitated.
 I neither want nor expect anything from you in exchange.
This time, Dustin reached out and took Phillip s hand. His hand
was large, not as large as Mitch s, but pretty close. His hand was also
warm while Dustin s was sweaty, but Phillip didn t mind. He pulled
Dustin to his feet and then let go.
 Now, would you like anything to eat?
Dustin had a vision of entire cows and hogs dancing through his
brain, but he shook his head.  No, thank you. Probably couldn t sleep
on a full stomach.
 I imagine it s a far cry better from sleeping on an empty
88 Anitra Lynn McLeod
Dustin nodded.
 How many nights have you done that?
 Too many. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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